End of last week I got a call from Brendan. Amazingly we talked for 45 minutes , I understood every word of what he was saying and we didn't get disconnected once! He sounded in really good spirits. He's been staying very busy and isn't getting a lot of sleep but it doesn't seem to bother him as much anymore. I think he gets that from his father. His father could get 4-5 hours sleep a night and be good to go.
They spend quite a bit of time going through the village and visiting the people to see how they're doing , if they need anything and if they have seen anything unusual , etc. When you are in an iraqi home and they offer you food or drink you take it. To not take it is considered rude and insulting. I understand that from my visits to Mexico. Like Mexico our body isn't able to handle the things their bodies are able to handle. The town he's in only has one water source which they use to cook and clean with. Keeping that in mind he is often offered chi tea. If you ever had chi tea here this is nothing like it. It's served in a glass the size of a large shot glass and is half sugar. He says it leaves a real gummy feeling on your lips from all the sugar. The last trip to the village he was given numerous glasses of this tea. Eliminating a large amount of gross detail let's just say he squatted over alot of holes in mud huts which is the only bathroom they have. I have a feeling a few villagers have learned which soldiers to not give the tea too! I'll be adding meds to the list of items to send in the next care package just in case.
Brendan is still working out several hours a day. I have a feeling I won't even recognize him when he gets back. He told me "I'm not going to lie , I'm drop dead sexy". That's my Brendan , humble to the end. lol He was always such a beanpole so he has plenty of room to grow out.
He seems set on moving to Texas permanently and wants to be a policeman more than anything. He definitely could do it. A neighbor had a problem with an ex boyfriend who had lost it and smacked a guy around he saw her with. He tried to take off on a bike and Brendan ran down the street , around the corner , grabbed the guy off the bike and kept him there until the cops came. The guy had violated parole and is doing 4-5 years in prison. He also had a sack of weed on him which added a charge. I was mad at the moment because he was a minor and it wasn't his business. The cops patted him on the back for a job well done but I was upset because I was worried the guy would come back and try to do harm to Brendan. Not the least bit worried about that now! I could see Brendan joining the US Marshals or the DEA. Can't seem him settling for a job spent in a cruiser.
At the end of our conversation I heard this huge BOOM!!! He said "Holy Crap!" which really worried me. I asked what it was and it was their guys shooting some weapon that can take out a tank. Had to end our call then since there were 4 more rounds to come.
If anyone is interested in sending him a small care package he is always in need of something since they only get back to the main base every couple of weeks. Bugs are a HUGE problem there so something like Skin So Soft insect repellant or something along those lines would be great. Powdered gatorade or powerade mix , microwavable meals , and wet wipes are also always needed. He does get a chance to read once in awhile and they have electric now so he can read if anyone has a book they think he'ld be interested in. Should be something that he can keep and share with the other men and not something you need returned though.
I bought a Columbus Zoo pass for our family and the grandsons and their Momma's for Easter. This Saturday was the first decent week-end we've had all year so I packed up Momma's , grandsons and Teresa and we went to the Zoo for the day. The Zoo was packed but all the animals were really up and active. they also had the baby elephant up for viewing which was worth the wait to get in to see. I took a ton of pictures so that I can make Caiden and Matty T a "My 1st trip to the Zoo" scrapbook to match Christian's. The Zoo , as always , is expanding like crazy. They now have a number of amusement rides near the entrance that used to be at the old Wyandott Lake. We didn't wander over there this trip but will take Christian through there next trip. Here are pics of the boys at the petting zoo and Teresa feeding the Lorakettes. ( not sure the spelling)
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