This afternoon was the first time Brendan was able to get his cam up and running for me on yahoo so I could see him. It was so good to see his face and his smile. It seems like forever. He's changed so much just since I last saw his face looking out of the bus at Fort Hood. He's turned into quite a man and I'm very proud of him.
Conditions have improved greatly since they first arrived. They now how mattresses and bunks to sleep on rather than cots. They also now have there own closet lockers , air conditioning , internet and electric. The day the internet was suppose to be up and running the electric went out but for today , at least , everything is working well. Showers are still mostly cold water but as hot and humid as it is it has to feel really good. By the time they get back after a day of patrolling and lugging all their equipment they are soaked with sweat.
He's been receiving a few care packages a month which helps his spirits tremendously. Had a ton to take care of this month so wasn't able to get anything sent so it's good to know other's are able to help from time to time. They don't get back to the main base often so supplies start running short fairly quick.Luckily the mail gets to him pretty quick , too. His brother Bryan waits 3 weeks to get his packages.
Brendan goes on patrol 7 days a week and pulls guard duty several times a week. He spends a couple of hours a day in the gym which is a good way to focus on himself for awhile and work off the stress. When you're in a war zone there is no such thing as a day off. He gets a 2 week leave at some point during the year and that's it.
His buddy Sandusky seems to be doing really well over there. He was in ROTC so this is what he's worked towards for years. He's posted some pics from over in Iraq that I will unload on the next post.
I've got flowers planted in the tree stump under the flag. Hope they pop up soon. I went with seeds rather than buying flowers to plant. Couldn't decide what to plant so I ended up just planting white and yellow daisies which are my favorite flowers. The yellow will watch the ribbon we have for him.
Brendan said he recorded a Mother's Day wish on for a local news channel but we never got a call so don't know if it showed or when. I am really bummed about that. I'm going to email the local news stations and see if they have the clip and if I can get a copy.
Less than 9 months to go. Would sound so much better if it was 9 weeks or 9 days. I hope his visit home will come sooner than November. That will be up in the air until the last minute , I'm sure. Hometown recruiting really burnt him in the butt as far as that goes. Just have to have faith that the powers that be will correct it soon.
Took Caiden , Rachel , Christy , Christian and Matty T to the Zoo a couple of weeks ago. Caiden LOVED being on my shoulders. I would shake my head and it would tickle him and he laughed and laughed. No better sound than a baby's laughter. He's also crawling now but does a sniper crawl. It is so cute! Daddy would be proud.
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