So Obama has said the war in Iraq will end in about 18 months. Of course you then read the fine print that shows we'll still be there but we'll be "training" and other such things. Don't even get me started on smoke and places it shouldn't be blown. Not sure what us "leaving" Iraq in 18 months will do to Brendan's tour. We were under the impression that , rather than spending money to train and send new troops over for a few months that those already there would have to stay longer. Then again Afghanistan is such a mess they might not have anyone to replace them with anyway since they'll all be in Afghanistan or Pakistan or what other country we'll be invading at the time. What can I say? I support our troops but I'm still the tree hugging hippy at heart.
One last note , I saw a survey today that said some 30 odd percent of folks think we shouldn't leave Iraq. Of those people who think that , show of hands , how many of you are willing to go over there or send your children over there? Anyone? Hey , look at the bright side , over there you'll at least still be able to exercise your 2nd amendment rights.
And now for your "Aaaawwwwwwwwwwwww" moment of the week.......
Matty T and Caveman
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