First let me say NEVER book a flight with US Airways!! Rachel faced delays while flying down to Texas and then I was delayed on this trip. Missed my flight in Charlotte and got stuck there for 3 more hours. Got into Austin around 9:30pm. Took over an hour to get back to Killeen. We stopped at Friday's for Brendan's last meal. We then hit Walmart so I could get Brendan a camcorder. I wanted to make sure he could show us what life is like over there and , more importantly , he can video messages back to Caiden so he doesn't become a stranger to him. After all that running it was well after midnight before we got back to their place.
Brendan had to report to base at 5:00am. Rachel dropped him off and came back to the room. We were told family were to be there around 7:30am. Brendan called her back and said other family was hanging around so we rushed over to the base to get some precious time in with him. We hung in the parking lot until the gym opened around 8:00am. We were able to visit until about 9:00am. I tried to keep myself composed but when it got time to say good-bye I completely fell apart. There aren't too many things more painful in the world then seeing your child go off to war. Your job as a parent is to protect your kids. To see them heading off to a war zone is just completely heart wrenching. When he stepped onto the bus and looked out the window at me I could see Brendan going off to school for the first time. That look in his eyes that says "Mommy , I don't want to go!! Please can't I stay home?!" I still tear up just thinking about it and the memory of the bus driving away and disappearing around the corner. Adding to the scene was a little girl behind Rachel who was crying for Daddy to stay. Trust that Momma had a full blown ugly cry face on. Rachel was crying so hard she was snorting. Let's just say we've looked better!
Brendan was able to text and called from the stops along the way. First stop was Maine and then to Ireland before the final lag of the trip. He downloaded Skype but the internet over there is horrid. He and Rachel have found it easier to use MSN. He has a webcam so we were able to see him laying on his cot and were able to text him. Thank goodness for new technologies. No other mother was able to have contact so immediately with their soldier in any other war. It helps ease some of the worry. At least we don't have to wait weeks at a time to know if they're ok. I'm working at getting a cam for this mac and downloading MSN so we can see him here at home. Phone connections are frequently cut off. For every 10 times he tries to call he might connect once. If you connect you better say "I love you" and "I miss you" first thing so you are sure to get it in.
It rained over there which cooled things somewhat. His home is a big tent filled with cots. The soldiers share the tent with a massive family of mice. Brendan popped one's head open while he was chatting with Rachel. *ICK* First couple of days was just unloading equipment. He doesn't have a job yet which makes the days even longer. He should be getting something soon.
Once they head to Iraq his job will be Loader. (He's in a tank unit) He gets to load up the big guns. I am SO grateful to the old lady in Seattle who grabbed the wrong suitcase which caused Brendan to get set back a week waiting for his paperwork to get to Texas. He ended up having to go with a tank unit instead of the infantry brigade he was to be with. I can't think of anything safer to be in than a tank.
He won't have a mailing address while he's in transition. His email is for those who would like to drop him a line. I don't know how often he is able to get the internet well enough to check it but he'll get it eventually. Just want an address as soon as possible so I can get some care packages sent out to him.
Here are some pics of the send off. I'm adding a quick video Rachel took of Brendan's bus leaving. He popped up and waved out the window as they drove off. I'm warning you , don't watch it if you don't want to cry. Rachel is crying pretty bad.
**NOTE: pics loaded up in some crazy order. You'll figure out the sequence. I'm too tired to mess with it***
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