Brendan was given about 45 minutes notice that they were pulling out and heading to Iraq. He was able to talk to me less than 2 minutes which really sucks but I'm glad I got to talk to him before he left. Odds are we won't have any word from him for a few weeks. I think the reality of the war just hit him in that moment they announced the pull out. I can't even imagine the feelings soldiers must go through as they are packing up. Life is now going to be completely different than anything they've ever imagined. That ever present feeling that they must always be alert of everything around them for the sake of their lives and other's. A sense of fear that you can never quite shake.
Rachel has started a yellow ribbon campaign of sorts. She went to her local florist and they gave her 2 ribbons for free to tie around the tree and mailbox in her yard. She's asked friends and family to do the same and send her pics. She's working on something for Brendan for his return. May have to tie the ribbon around the tree stump in the front yard. All the wind storms this year have taken care of most of our trees.
I found a website that sells charms and bracelets for deployed soldiers. Add that to my list of projects I have stacked up to concur. Will probably make my own just need to order the charms but they had italian charm bracelets at a really reasonable price.
As for me those of you who know me know I can get a bit worked up emotionally. The doc adjusted my meds and they seem to be helping somewhat. Just need to keep myself really busy. We're working on Jesse's room remodeling this week. I've got a massive pile of art projects , as well. You name it , curtains to finish , quilts to finish , a million cross-stitch projects....none of which I really have any desire to touch but will need to. I know they tell you not to watch the news while your kids are over there but that's all I can do. Just to hear any news or catch a quick glimpse of Brendan in a news reel and know he';s ok. War sucks!
2010 in the rearview mirror....December!!!
14 years ago
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